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World Mag > WM Winter 2016 edition > Message from the Director Winter 2016

Message from the Director Winter 2016

Our school will become a power house of collaborative learning.
Dr. Robert Brindley / AISB Director
Dr. Robert Brindley / AISB Director

As we plan to improve and change our educational o erings, the key to any vision of the future lies in our ability to predict what knowledge, skills and concepts will be needed by coming generations of students. I am rmly of the belief, from what I have read and understand of our world changing at a rate which must be daunting for the younger folk amongst us, that technology will be at the center of any transformation.

However, as our cultures and communities evolve there will be constants and traditions that we must preserve, indeed cherish; ideals, morals and values that will transcend time and ensure that our world is a safer, cleaner, and more ethical place, leading to a more sophisticated understanding of the world in which we live. These traditional principles and standards must focus on mutual respect and a fundamental understanding that, in everything, we must ‘do unto others as we would have done unto ourselves.’ This requires social and cultural awareness, tolerance and an acceptance of differing perspectives; the concept that students ‘become active, compas- sionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their di erences, can also be right.’ (IB Mission Statement)

In terms of the educational design of our curriculum, I de nitely ascribe to the comments made by Ross Daw- son, futurist and strategic advisor, that the more important skills and characteristics for future careers will be based around creativity, relation- ships and expertise, as described in this article about the top ten careers of the future:

That is, experimentation coupled with the ability to understand that mistakes and corrective improvements lead to an enhancement of the creative process; that a cultural and social sensitivity of those around you, with whom one interacts, leads to authentic, productive team work; and, that mastery of certain core skills and concepts in at least one, if not many disciplines, is paramount. 

So as we develop AISB’s edu- cational competencies, we must continue to develop and strengthen the core skills and competencies that are re ective of the more tradi- tional approach to education, which many schools of thought seem keen to wash away under a tsunami of technology. At the same time, we need to ensure that our students are equipped with the emerging skills of future careers and societal de- mands. Thus, the vision of the future of education will be based on merg- ing the best traditions of the past with their technological, high-tech, innovative equivalent of the present.

When we get this balance right – our school will become a power house of collaborative learning.


Robert Brindley AISB Director 



Director’s Blog

Balance As published in the Director’s Blog on November 18, 2015

We often talk about the AISB community and how important it is in the life of past, present and even future students. Whilst we need feedback and help from alumni and parents, there is an onus on the school to provide information that invites discussion and presents data that has the potential to maximize the learning experience for their children, our students. Teachers can only achieve so much in exploiting such potential; it is our partnership with the parents and alumni that really fosters such latent talents. 

There was a remarkable piece of research from Australia that studied children, over time, on how the home environment in uenced a child’s learning. Their ndings – Longitudinal Study of Australian children (LSAC) ( highlights factors that a ect future academic performance. The study applies to younger children but the outcomes, in my opinion, relate to all students as they build traits for life-long learning and also to how a school develops its curriculum and extra-curricular activities.

To summarize the outcomes, students achieved to a higher academic and emotional level if:

• The child is encouraged to play games, or gets involved in arts and crafts activities; 

• A parent regularly reads to their child;

• There are a many books in the household that accommodate the child’s curiosity and reading level;

• There is involvement in regular out- of-home activities.

So, how does this translate to older students and the challenges of a maturing child? If there is one word that springs to mind it is balance. The ability to relax and understand the value of play, whatever your age; to surround yourself with books, papers, magazines, kindle, i-Pad, or tablet that give access to alterna- tive sources of information, ideas or perspectives; to create a lifestyle that connects on a regular basis with the outside world and the environment;  an activity that literally grounds you in the present; and, importantly, to create mechanisms that keep you informed, to read, to enquire, in order to challenge comfort levels and out- looks on life.

Thus, we must use the resources of our community. Over the coming months it is my hope to enrich the afterschool program to o er other alternatives that engage and inspire our students and present a more di- verse, challenging and resource-rich community.


Visit the Director’s Blog today: 

Read the entire WORLD Magazine Winter 2016 edition here.


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